Stevo just started playing in the spring machine pitch league for Frank Manning. He is playing on the Dodgers this year and had a pretty good first game fielding. He made two nice plays but still likes to dance in the outfield when he gets bored. He didn't do so hot at the plate. this is his first time hitting off a machine so he probably needs a little more practice. Jazz just wrapped up her basketball season at the Galatzan rec center. She improved throughout the season and seemed to get the hang of the game as the season went on. Her coach really tried to help the team but she seemed a little overwhelmed at times. Who can blame her. Have you ever tried to teach a layup to a group of four and five year olds. Jazz will start to play soccer in April and maybe t-ball. Both kids are pretty active making for packed Saturday's. I love being a dad. Watching them grow and learn is the best gift a man can ask for. Blessed in El Paso.
A look at life in El Paso, Texas through the eyes of a teacher, runner, coach, and father.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Baseball season Begins as basketball comes to an end.
Stevo just started playing in the spring machine pitch league for Frank Manning. He is playing on the Dodgers this year and had a pretty good first game fielding. He made two nice plays but still likes to dance in the outfield when he gets bored. He didn't do so hot at the plate. this is his first time hitting off a machine so he probably needs a little more practice. Jazz just wrapped up her basketball season at the Galatzan rec center. She improved throughout the season and seemed to get the hang of the game as the season went on. Her coach really tried to help the team but she seemed a little overwhelmed at times. Who can blame her. Have you ever tried to teach a layup to a group of four and five year olds. Jazz will start to play soccer in April and maybe t-ball. Both kids are pretty active making for packed Saturday's. I love being a dad. Watching them grow and learn is the best gift a man can ask for. Blessed in El Paso.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Things to do in March
Took the kids to a few nice events around El Paso this month. The kids really enjoyed going to the Generation 2000 event downtown. Stevo shot hoops and Jazzy caugth a fish in the tanks provided by the Ascarate fishing club. This was a nice family event but think the ticket prices were a little steep for what it was worth. The information handed out by the vendors was useful but think more families could have enjoyed the event if the price of admission was a little cheaper. We also spent one weekend at the Franklin Mountain Poppy celebration. This event was free and the kids got to take a shuttle to the festival. I say shuttle but it was just a rented van that we had to share with like thirty other people. The festival had speakers and exhibits detailing the animals and the history of the Franklin mountains. Stevo and Jazz liked playing bingo the best. We had a chance to visit the museum and Jazz got a little freaked out at the life-like Indian displays. She thought they were going to come to life and had to be convinced hat they weren't going to attack. Think this city has alot to offer kids and families and really like the different variety that you can find on any given day. Plan to take the kids to see The Hobbit at the Kids-n-Co theatre this Saturday.
Monday, March 16, 2009
cast in show at el paso playhouse
Just started rehearsals for my first show at el paso playhouse this past week. Show is called "I never saw another butterfly" and deals with the children imprisoned at the Terazin camps during WWII. Cast and director all seem very talented. Haven't done a show in a long time but feels good to get back in swing of things. We rehearse in an old church in central el paso. Whole experience looks to be rewarding. Will visit the el paso holocaust museum this saturday with the cast to get more insight into the lives the characters lived. No real plans for spring break just spending time with kids and getting ready for my one-act show to open next Monday. Astros just landed Pudge rodriguez and the miners are playing Nevada in the CBI tourney. Really would like to see stefon jackson win the tourney and get an opportinity to play in the NBA.
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