It's 4:30 in the morning and I am wide awake. Damn. I have to be one of the world's worst insomniacs. I have watched the same ESPN highlights for three hours now and have picked up about three different books but nothing seems to work. Feel like one of those people that Benjamin
Bratt tries to help in The Cleaner. I have always had this problem but summer is the worst for me. Too much time on my hands. Have a coaching clinic for basketball to go to today and rehearsal for the show at the playhouse so I'm thinking I'll stay up all day so I can be sleepy by the time 10 pm rolls around. Decided to start running again. Ankle finally feels better. Might just take off in the next couple of minutes because I am getting frustrated trying to get to sleep. See if I can at least run three miles without killing myself. Tired of the treadmill so will head over to Franklin track. Crazy how many people are out there this time of morning. Planning on going to Corpus before school starts to see everybody. My brother David just had another baby. Five boys now. Think my mom said she has 15 or 16
grand kids now. So many she can't even keep track. Read an awesome post by Priscilla on
facebook about her kids. Put
a lot of things into perspective. Decided on theater season for next year. Roosters, Boys Next Door, The Diviners, and one other show for one-act. Rambling cause I'm tired but not sleepy. Guess I'll lace up the shoes and head out.